Publish date: 2003-03-26

Work with InterBase using the ScriptControl (VB)

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'This example demonstrates how to work with table 'employee'
'of the Interbase DB from the ScriptControl.
'Also Its demonstrate how to organize dinamicly adding
'ActiveX objects to the ScriptControl from the script text

'    1. LCPI OLE DB Provider for Interbase.
'    2. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6
'    3. Microsoft Excel 9.0.
'    4. Employee.ibp with connection parameters to employee.gdb
'    5. Microsoft ScriptControl
'    6. Microsoft XML v4.0.

Sub Sample12()

    Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
    'open connection to employee.gdb
    Set con = New ADODB.Connection
        con.Open "file name=" & ThisWorkBook.Path & "\employee.ibp"

    'For an example we have placed the source script text in a string variable.
    'However in real systems the scripts texts are placed in the database or in files.
    'We think that you will not have problems with implementation of
    'methods LoadScriptFromDb and LoadScriptFromFile using this code
    Dim source_script As String

    'use XML tag
    'attributes of a <script> tag will be used for ScriptControl parameters identification
    '<object> using for dynamic attachment of ActiveX objects to ScriptControl
    '![CDATA[ - Section of XML with our script for ScriptControl (this text not parsed)
    source_script = _
    "<script language=""vbscript"" startpoint=""main"" timeout=""10000"">" & Chr(13) & _
    "<object id=""recset"" classid=""ADODB.Recordset""/>                 " & Chr(13) & _
    "<code>                                                              " & Chr(13) & _
    "<![CDATA[                                                           " & Chr(13) & _
    "  Option Explicit                                                   " & Chr(13) & _
    "                                                                    " & Chr(13) & _
    "  Sub main()                                                        " & Chr(13) & _
    "                                                                    " & Chr(13) & _
    "         set recset.ActiveConnection=Connection                     " & Chr(13) & _
    " ""select * from employee""                     " & Chr(13) & _
    "                                                                    " & Chr(13) & _
    "                                                                    " & Chr(13) & _
    "  End Sub                                                           " & Chr(13) & _
    "]]>                                                                 " & Chr(13) & _
    "</code>                                                             " & Chr(13) & _
    "</script>                                                           "

    'create new script control
    Dim MScriptControl As New ScriptControl

    '****set the parameters****

    'this parameter allow to show dialog windows from the script
    'like MsgBox or InputBox
    MScriptControl.AllowUI = True
    'script language (VBScript by default)
    MScriptControl.language = "VBScript"
    'script timeout (if time executing script > timeout script is finished own work)
    MScriptControl.timeout = 10000

    'reset script objects
    'Adding Our Connection object to the script
    MScriptControl.AddObject "Connection", con, True

    'XML Document
    Dim XMLDoc As New DOMDocument40
        XMLDoc.loadXML source_script

    'XML Node
    Dim XMLNode As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

        'check parse error
        If XMLDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0 Then
           'ScriptControl parameters
           Dim startpoint As String
           Dim timeout As Long
           Dim language As String
           'attributes for dinamic object
           Dim id As String
           Dim classid As String
           'script text
           Dim script As String

           'script section
           With XMLDoc.childNodes.Item(0)
               'find script attributes
               For i = 0 To .Attributes.Length - 1
                   'this attribute we set as default
                   If .Attributes.Item(i).nodeName = "language" Then
                          language = .Attributes.Item(i).Text
                          MScriptControl.language = language
                    'this attribute is required
                   ElseIf .Attributes.Item(i).nodeName = "startpoint" Then
                       startpoint = .Attributes.Item(i).Text
                   'this attribute we set as default
                   ElseIf .Attributes.Item(i).nodeName = "timeout" Then
                       On Error Resume Next
                          timeout = CLng(.Attributes.Item(i).Text)
                          'if no conversion error
                          If Not Err And timeout > 0 Then
                             MScriptControl.timeout = timeout
                          End If
                       On Error GoTo 0
                   End If
               Next i
           End With

           For Each XMLNode In XMLDoc.childNodes.Item(0).childNodes
               'search dinamic AxciteX objects declarations and
               'source script text
               With XMLNode
                    Select Case .nodeName
                           'object declarations
                           Case "object"
                                id = ""
                                classid = ""
                                'find object attributes
                                For i = 0 To .Attributes.Length - 1
                                    If .Attributes.Item(i).nodeName = "id" Then
                                       id = .Attributes.Item(i).Text
                                    ElseIf .Attributes.Item(i).nodeName = "classid" Then
                                       classid = .Attributes.Item(i).Text
                                    End If
                                Next i

                                'add object to ScriptControl
                                On Error Resume Next
                                   MScriptControl.AddObject id, CreateObject(classid)
                                   If Err Then
                                      MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
                                      "Error while trying to add object"
                                   End If
                                On Error GoTo 0

                           Case "code"
                                script = XMLNode.Text
                                On Error Resume Next
                                   MScriptControl.AddCode script
                                If Err Then
                                   'syntaxis error
                                   MsgBox MScriptControl.Error.Description & ": " & _
                                          " (string=" & MScriptControl.Error.Line & _
                                          ", column=" & MScriptControl.Error.Column & ")", _
                                          vbCritical, "Check Syntaxis"
                                   Debug.Print "----------------- Syntaxis Error ----------------"
                                    'run script without arguments
                                    'if you need IN-parameters use Array method
                                    'with your parameters as second argument
                                    MScriptControl.Run startpoint 'run startpoint procedure
                                    If Err Then
                                       'runtime error
                                        MsgBox MScriptControl.Error.Description & ": " & _
                                               " (string=" & MScriptControl.Error.Line & _
                                               ", column=" & MScriptControl.Error.Column & ")", _
                                               vbCritical, "RunTime Error"
                                        Debug.Print "----------------- Run Time Error ----------------"
                                        'if no error then
                                        'work with ScriptControl objects
                                        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
                                        'our recordset from script
                                        Set rs = MScriptControl.CodeObject.recset

                                        Do While Not rs.EOF
                                            Debug.Print rs!first_name & " " & _
                                    End If
                                    Debug.Print "----------------- All Done ----------------"
                                End If
                                On Error GoTo 0
                                Exit For 'exit from parsing
                     End Select
               End With
           Next 'next XMLNode
        Else ' parse error
           MsgBox XMLDoc.parseError.reason, vbCritical
        End If

        'Commit Transaction and close Connection
End Sub
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