Publish date: 2003-04-23

Filter in Data Grid (VB.Net)

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 Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class TDataSetObject

    'OleDb Variables
    Public mConnection As OleDbConnection   'OleDbConnection
    Public mSelectCmd As OleDbCommand       'Select Command
    Public mDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter 'Data Adapter - for filling DataSet 

    Public mDataSet As DataSet 'Data Source for DataGrid

    Public Sub New()
        'create new connection from udl file
        mConnection = New OleDbConnection("file name=employee.udl")

        'select command
        mSelectCmd = New OleDbCommand("select * from employee", _
        'configuring Data Adapter
        mDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(mSelectCmd)

    End Sub

    'fill DataSet
    Public Sub FillDataSet()
            mDataSet = New DataSet("Employers Listing Example")

            Dim myTrans As OleDbTransaction
            'block for filling DataGrid
            myTrans = mConnection.BeginTransaction()
            mSelectCmd.Transaction = myTrans

            mDataAdapter.Fill(mDataSet, "Employers")

            'end block for filling DataSet

        Catch myException As OleDbException
            Dim str As String, i As Integer
            For i = 0 To myException.Errors.Count - 1
                str = str + "Message " & i.ToString + 1 & ": " + myException.Errors(i).Message + Chr(13) + _
                           "Native: " + myException.Errors(i).NativeError.ToString() + Chr(13) + _
                           "Source: " + myException.Errors(i).Source + Chr(13) + _
                           "SQL: " + myException.Errors(i).SQLState + Chr(13) + _
                           "----------------------------------------" + Chr(13)
            Next i
        Catch e As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    'Records filters (Get The Filter String, return DataView)
    Public Function ApplyFilter(ByVal FilterString As String) As DataView
        If Not mDataSet Is Nothing Then
            ApplyFilter = New DataView(mDataSet.Tables("Employers"))
                ApplyFilter.RowFilter = FilterString
            Catch e As Exception
            End Try
        End If
    End Function

End Class
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