Publish date: 2016-04-12

IBProvider v3.29. State stabilization

A brief description of the new release:

  • Management of server resources for cursors and blobs improved.
  • The main build IBProvider (vc14xp) is now compiled using VS2015 Update 2.
  • Extended load testing performed.

Current state

Actually, as of the moment we have reached the local balance point:

  • Basic «critical» problems solved.
  • All initiated code changes completed.
  • We now have plans to conduct the next «big» testing.

The onward progress involves a cycle of continuous changes for a period of several years.

So, if to update your IBProvider version you have been waiting for its state to stabilize, this moment has come.

What’s next?

We have our own «small» list of new tasks (for the next 100 years) we would like to solve within the frames of the IBProvider project.

If you have your own ideas, drop us a line. Our users’ requests have always been of a higher priority for us.

Publish date: 2016-04-12. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.