Publish date: 2015-02-19

IBProvider 3.22 Release

  • New information property «IB Database ODS Version».
  • The initialization property «cmessages» removed.
  • The information property «IB Base Level» removed.
  • [Bug Fix] Restored ability of connection to IB4 и IB5.
  • IBProvider no longer supports IB4 server’s client (gds32.dll). The reason is: this DLL does not contain the VERSIONINFO resource. You can connect to IB4 through other IB/FB clients.
  • [Bug Fix] Corrections in module’s resources.
  • [Bug Fix] Other specific errors fixed.

In the next release:

Publish date: 2015-02-19. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.