Publish date: 2017-10-01

IBProvider v3.45. More flexible support of UTF8

UTF8 code page support has been corrected

In previous releases of the provider, the calculation of column/parameter sizes with CHAR/VARCHAR types and UTF8 code page was carried out according to the rule of two UTF16 (WCHAR) symbols per one UTF8 symbol. That supported all valid UTF8 characters, but was difficult to determined the actual number of characters in the column/parameter.

In the new release, the provider, by default, calculates these sizes based on the rule one UTF16 (WCHAR) character per UTF8 character. Also added a new initialization property «wchars_in_utf8_symbol», allowing to return to the previous rule.

Correction of the keywords list FB2.1-FB3.0

Added the keyword «RECURSIVE».


Most of the changes in the new version of IBProvider are related to the reorganization and revision of the source code.

Publish date: 2017-10-01. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.