Publish date: 2021-07-07

ADO.NET Provider v1.22.0. Support for DateOnly, TimeOnly datatypes [.NET6]

We are glad to inform about new version «ADO.NET LCPI Provider for OLE DB» v1.22, which provides a support for new .NET6 data types — DateOnly, TimeOnly.

New features of ADO.NET provider for .NET6

In OleDbDataReader were added new methods:

  • GetDataOnly
  • GetTimeOnly
  • GetFieldValue<T>

OleDbCommand [OleDbParameter] now supports setup of INPUT-parameters with DateOnly, TimeOnly types.

Current work

Currently, we have fully switched to developing a provider for the Entity Framework Core, which «ate» all our resources and time.

Therefore, no any changes in IBProvider not planned. At least — in the near future. Its functionality is more than enough to solve the current tasks of a new project.

If you are interested in a project for EFCore, you can follow its progress on our blog (sorry, on russian only).

If you are really interested in releasing of this provider, just submit an request on this page. Thanks.

Publish date: 2021-07-07. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.