IBProvider v5.34. A support of MSSQL and arrays was improved
New release of IBProvider has the following changes:
The support of DEFAULT in UPDATE statements (MSSQL, FB4)
New IBProvider correctly processes DEFAULT values in UPDATE statement that executed through MSSQL linked server for Firebird 4 database.

The previous versions of IBProvider always set NULL in such cases.
See the updated initialization property auto_update_field_rule.
The support of UDF with SCALAR_ARRAY-arguments (FB2-FB4, just for fun)
We detected that Firebird since the second version allows defining UDF for processing arrays. See a syntax of «DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION» and «BY SCALAR_ARRAY» arguments.
We could not pass up this funny thing and added the support for it.
New IBProvider builds a correct definition of such functions in schemas DBSCHEMA_PROCEDURES, DBSCHEMA_PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS and can pass arrays through SQL statement parameters.
There are supporting all the array data types, including arrays with CSTRING-elements.
A maximal support was added for only FB4 and requires a some correction of server (see #7843).
The support of InterBase 2020 Upd2-Upd5 (ODS 18.2)
Embarcadero released a new set of InterBase 2020 updates: Update2-Update5. We tested these updates and added in IBProvider the necessary changes in order to support them.
Thanks to Dmitry Kuzmenko for help.
Other improvements
- Error messages were corrected
- The load of array definitions was corrected (FB3, FB4)