Alessandro Furlanetto — IBProvider support (I mean it REALLY support) InterBase from the earliest version

Hi, My name is Alessandro Furlanetto and I’m from Italy. Just a short story to tell.
I discovered IBProvider searching google for the best component to use for native InterBase connectivity. I was looking for full InterBase support, smallest footprint and best integration ever. So I was not considering ODBC and I was looking for an OLE-DB/ADO.NET provider.
When I found IBProvider it was just what I need, well no ADO.NET provider but OLE-DB was enough for me. The program need to be developed in .net ( and be portable and could grow in time for functions and platform support.
IBProvider fit the work very well because:
- It’s only one step above InterBase communication library (well not a native .net provider but as mentioned before, ole-db is enough)
- It support (I mean it REALLY support) InterBase from the earliest version
- It’s well designed (and have a good support forum) so you can install & use or distribuite & use.
- The data type converter does all for you in a fashionable way.
The program I’m still writing at the first time was designed for IB Server 5 (as a prerequisite from the customer). The program is designed for being expandable (it’s main purpose is to be as a sort of data mining application in a few hotel of the same brand). The number of client of the db is chosen from an average number of interactive and non interactive. To explain further from some desktops and some server (batch processing). Once completed and approved it will exit the project stage and proposed for production purpose.
Since I’m an enough skilled programmer I was trying to save me some pain in the ass choosing the right provider. IBProvider is far above what I need so I choose to tell my customer about it. This is because if I do a good job I like to be acknowledged for that and the same apply for software solutions that I use.
I’m a consultant and a software developer. I wish to thank you for such a great product. I want to say also that I’m not interested in winning the prize, it’s enough to witness how I like IBProvider.
Alessandro Furlanetto,