Publish date: 2015-05-20

IBProvider 3.23.1 Release

  1. New parameters in the PROG_REG_PARAMS resource:
    • provider_prog_id
    • provider_prog_id_no_ver
    • provider_descr
    • error_service_descr
    • data_link_page_descr
    • adv_data_link_page_descr

    You can modify PROG_REG_PARAMS resource for creation of isolated provider,which will be supplied as part of your application.

  2. A lot of internal changes in the provider’s code has been done.

  3. In the installation package was added a new command-line utility _Win32ResUpdater.exe, which allows you to modify resources of modules.

  4. In the installation package was added a new example, which demonstrates the using of isolated IBProvider without registration in the system («Registration Free COM» technology) from AnyCPU .NET applications.

    Catalog of example: «Samples\oledb_net\Collection_001\Sample_0023__UsingIBProviderWithoutRegistration».

Publish date: 2015-05-20. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.