Publish date: 2010-02-14

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional v3.0.00.8628

New version of IBProvider is now available. The new release:

  1. Use Unicode Windows API for national alphabet.
  2. Has an improved compatibility with SharePoint Designer.
  3. Errors in the type converter have been eliminated.

Problems with national characters in Windows have been eliminated

New IBProvider v.3 uses Unicode Windows API. This allows avoiding problems with displaying in non-localized Windows versions:

  • in connection dialogs /DataLinks
  • when working with temporary files having such symbols in their names or paths
Details: Compilation for UNICODE platforms for IBProvider v.

Now, IBProvider v3 is compiled in UNICODE mode. The mode is supported only by platforms Windows NT,XP,Vista,2003,Win7. If you need 32-bit builds of v3 for Win9x, write to our support e-mail and we will send them.

Problems revealed in testing «SharePoint Designer 2007” have been eliminated

  1. The initialization property Data Source is now defined as optional. This eliminates certain problems of working with the provider from SharePoint Designer 2007.
  2. Error COM objects now support free-threaded applications.

Informativity of the error messages related to data transfer to the provider (v1/v2/v3) has been improved

In case of errors in transformation of IN parameters type or new column values into the type defined by Firebird or InterBase server, the provider saves information on fault reasons in the value status.

Changes in data type convertor (v1/v2/v3)

The revealed problems with DBTYPE_NULL have been eliminated.

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional

Quite recently, Firebird 2.5 Release Candidate 2 appeared. During regular IBProvider testing with new FB2.5 SuperClassic (RC2), we revealed a problem in the server: page 14194, page type 5 lock conversion denied (215). See detailed description of the problem here.

Possible test case:

    Perform repeatedly the following operations with the base in parallel and using independent connections:
  1. adding a group of entries with blobs/arrays
  2. reading of entries added in p. 1
  3. deleting of entries added in p. 1
The first person who publishes the reproduced example in this topic at our forum will be awarded with a free license for IBProvider Professional 64 bits Single Developer!

Publish date: 2010-02-14. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.