Publish date: 2020-05-22

IBProvider v5.17. «LCPI ADO.NET Provider» v1.20. «LCPI OLE DB Services» v1.15

IBProvider v5.17

  • Support for InterBase 2020 (v14)
  • Generation of UDR procedure declarations (FB3) in the «PROCEDURES» metadata schema
  • Internal changes to improve the quality and reliability of the code. In particular:
    • 64-bit counters of references to external (COM) and internal objects

OLE DB Services v1.15

  • Internal changes

LCPI ADO.NET Provider for OLE DB v1.20

  • The parser of the connection string has been rewritten.
  • Added a new initialization property «NetProv:ParameterMarkerFormat»
  • The initialization property «NetProv: NestedTransRules» is renamed to «NetProv:NestedTransRules»

This version implements a «workaround» for an error with SQL generation in the SSIS component «ADO.NET Destination».

It allows usage of our ADO.NET provider in Integration Services (SSIS) for uploading to Firebird and InterBase databases.

See our new document with a detailed description.

Publish date: 2020-05-22. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.