Rowset and command OLE DB properties

Access Order IColumnsInfo2 named_param_prefix
ado_exec_sp del! IColumnsRowset named_param_rules
Append-Only Rowset IConnectionPointContainer odbc_call_sp del!
array_type IConvertType Others' Changes Visible
array_vt_type del! IDBAsynchStatus Others' Inserts Visible
asynch_fetch ignore_err_param Own Changes Visible
Asynchronous Rowset Processing ignore_unprepare Own Inserts Visible
auto_gen_key_rule Immobile Rows prepare stmt
auto_insert_field_rule insert_sql Preserve on Abort
auto_param_describe IRowset Preserve on Commit
auto_update_field_rule IRowsetBookmark query_pool_size del!
Blocking Storage Objects IRowsetChange Quick Restart
Bookmark Type IRowsetCurrentIndex refresh_sql
Bookmarks Ordered IRowsetFind refresh_trans_level
Change Inserted Rows IRowsetIndex refresh_trans_type
clear_param_info IRowsetInfo Remove Deleted Rows
deferred_data IRowsetLocate Return Pending Inserts
deferred_out_param IRowsetRefresh Row Threading Model
Delay Storage Object Updates IRowsetResynch rowset_file__sys_flags
delete_sql IRowsetScroll rowset_file__write_block_size
disconnected_rowset IRowsetUpdate rowset_vm_using
exec_sp_named_param ISequentialStream Scroll Backwards
Fetch Backwards ISSAsynchStatus Server Data on Insert
first_week_day ISupportErrorInfo Skip Row Count Results
force_param_describe del! Literal Bookmarks std_exec_sp del!
force_prepare_stmt Literal Row Identity support_odbc_query
Hidden Column Count Lock Mode support_square_delim_name
Hold Rows Maximum Open Rows truncate_char
IAccessor Maximum Rows Unique Rows
IBP:RsInfo.Result_Storage_Size Memory Usage Updatability
IBP:RsInfo.Using_File_Storage modify_trans_level update_sql
IBP:StmtInfo.Plan modify_trans_type Use Bookmarks
IColumnsInfo multi_stmts_exec_rules

Other sets of properties